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tags from provided html string, * and return new html string with table-of-content html prepended * * @param {string} html - html string to be analyzed * @param {Object} config - configuration object * @return {Object} an object containing attributes "html" for concatenated html string and toc for table-of-content only */ // ! this is converted from \rssbus\v19\cnx\lib\static\mdconverter\libs\tocHTML.js to ES5 using // https://babeljs.io/repl/ // This section is not intented to be directly modified. "use strict"; function _instanceof(left, right) { if (right != null && typeof Symbol !== "undefined" && right[Symbol.hasInstance]) { return !!right[Symbol.hasInstance](left); } else { return left instanceof right; } } /** * Generate a table-of-content html structure based on analyzing


tags from provided html string, * and return new html string with table-of-content html prepended * * @param {string} html - html string to be analyzed * @param {Object} config - configuration object * @return {Object} an object containing attributes "html" for concatenated html string and toc for table-of-content only */ function TableOfContents(html, config) { var _config = Object.assign({ StartLevel: 1 }, config); var toc = ''; var level = Number(_config.StartLevel) - 1; var regex = "]*)>([^<]+)"); var modifiedHtml = html; modifiedHtml = modifiedHtml.replace(new RegExp(regex, 'gi'), // regex for detecting all tags function () { var _arguments = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments), str = _arguments[0], openLevel = _arguments[1], attributeStr = _arguments[2], titleText = _arguments[3], closeLevel = _arguments[4]; var anchor; var attributes = attributeStr.match(/([\S]+)="([\S]*)"/gi); var attributeObj = {}; if (_instanceof(attributes, Array)) attributes.forEach(function (item, index) { var name = item.split("=")[0]; var value = item.split("=")[1].slice(1, -1); attributeObj[name] = value; }); if (openLevel != closeLevel) return str; if (openLevel > level) toc += new Array(openLevel - level + 1).join('
    ');else if (openLevel < level) toc += new Array(level - openLevel + 1).join('
');else toc += new Array(level + 1).join(''); level = parseInt(openLevel); // if heading tag does not have id itself, generate one if (attributeObj.id === undefined) { anchor = titleText.trim().toLowerCase().replace(/[`~!@#$%^&*()_|+\-=?;:'",.<>\{\}\[\]\\\/]/gi, "").replace(/ /g, "-"); // console.warn("Warning:\nheading tag ".concat(str, " are not assigned with id. Generated id \"").concat(anchor, "\" for it. \nIf you have same heading text for different heading tags in one page without your own defined id, it may generate the same id for them which may cause error.\n")); } else { anchor = attributeObj.id; } toc += "\n
  • ").concat(titleText, "\n ").trim(); return "\n ").concat(titleText, "\n ").trim(); }); if (level) { toc += new Array(level + 1).join(''); } return { html: modifiedHtml, toc: toc }; } var contents = TableOfContents($('#content').html(), {StartLevel: 2}) $('.right-table-of-contents').append(contents.toc) // give each heading tag an id var $hs = $('#content').find('h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6') if ($hs.length > 5) { $('.right-table-of-contents').show() $('#content').find('h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6').each(function(index, ele){ if (!$(ele).attr('id')) $(ele).attr('id', $(this).text().toLowerCase().trim().replace(/[`~!@#$%^&*()_|+\-=?;:'",.<>\{\}\[\]\\\/]/gi, "").replace(/ /g, "-")) }) // init toc new TOC('#whiframe') } // hamburger menu handling $('#hamburger-menu').click(function(e){ $('#whleftcol').toggle() }) // make sure active item in left sidebar is always in browser view var adjustNavHeight = function () { // offset should exist first if ($("a.current_bold").offset() && $("a.current_bold").offset().top >= $('#whsizer').outerHeight()) { $('#whsizer')[0].scrollTop = $("a.current_bold").offset().top - 70 } } adjustNavHeight() })