ODBC Driver for Microsoft Dynamics GP

Build 22.0.8462


The driver models the data in Microsoft Dynamics GP into a list of tables that can be queried using standard SQL statements.

Generally, querying Microsoft Dynamics GP tables is the same as querying a table in a relational database. Sometimes there are special cases, for example, including a certain column in the WHERE clause might be required to get data for certain columns in the table. This is typically needed for situations where a separate request must be made for each row to get certain columns. These types of situations are clearly documented at the top of the table page linked below.

CData ODBC Driver for Microsoft Dynamics GP Tables

Name Description
Applicant Return a list of: Applicant
ApplicantEducation Return a list of: ApplicantEducation
ApplicantInterview Return a list of: ApplicantInterview
ApplicantReference Return a list of: ApplicantReference
ApplicantSkill Return a list of: ApplicantSkill
ApplicantTest Return a list of: ApplicantTest
ApplicantWorkHistory Return a list of: ApplicantWorkHistory
BackOfficeRoleAssignment Return a list of: BackOfficeRoleAssignment
BusinessObjectUserAssignment Return a list of: BusinessObjectUserAssignment
CashReceipt Return a list of: CashReceipt
Customer Return a list of: Customer
CustomerAddress Return a list of: CustomerAddress
Employee Return a list of: Employee
EmployeeAddress Return a list of: EmployeeAddress
EmployeePayCode Return a list of: EmployeePayCode
Fee Return a list of: Fee
GLFixedAllocationAccount Return a list of: GLFixedAllocationAccount
GLPostingAccount Return a list of: GLPostingAccount
GLTransaction Return a list of: GLTransaction
GLUnitAccount Return a list of: GLUnitAccount
GLVariableAllocationAccount Return a list of: GLVariableAllocationAccount
HRRequisition Return a list of: HRRequisition
InventoryAdjustment Return a list of: InventoryAdjustment
InventoryTransfer Return a list of: InventoryTransfer
InventoryVariance Return a list of: InventoryVariance
ItemCurrency Return a list of: ItemCurrency
ItemVendor Return a list of: ItemVendor
ItemWarehouse Return a list of: ItemWarehouse
PayablesCreditMemo Return a list of: PayablesCreditMemo
PayablesFinanceCharge Return a list of: PayablesFinanceCharge
PayablesInvoice Return a list of: PayablesInvoice
PayablesMiscellaneousCharge Return a list of: PayablesMiscellaneousCharge
PayablesReturn Return a list of: PayablesReturn
Policy Return a list of: Policy
Pricing Return a list of: Pricing
PurchaseInvoice Return a list of: PurchaseInvoice
PurchaseOrder Return a list of: PurchaseOrder
PurchaseReceipt Return a list of: PurchaseReceipt
ReceivablesCreditMemo Return a list of: ReceivablesCreditMemo
ReceivablesDebitMemo Return a list of: ReceivablesDebitMemo
ReceivablesFinanceCharge Return a list of: ReceivablesFinanceCharge
ReceivablesInvoice Return a list of: ReceivablesInvoice
ReceivablesReturn Return a list of: ReceivablesReturn
ReceivablesServiceRepair Return a list of: ReceivablesServiceRepair
ReceivablesWarranty Return a list of: ReceivablesWarranty
ReturnMaterialAuthorization Return a list of: ReturnMaterialAuthorization
SalesBackorder Return a list of: SalesBackorder
SalesFulfillmentOrder Return a list of: SalesFulfillmentOrder
SalesInvoice Return a list of: SalesInvoice
SalesOrder Return a list of: SalesOrder
SalesProcessHoldSetup Return a list of: SalesProcessHoldSetup
SalesQuote Return a list of: SalesQuote
SalesReturn Return a list of: SalesReturn
Service Return a list of: Service
ServiceCall Return a list of: ServiceCall
ServiceEquipment Return a list of: ServiceEquipment
ServiceQuote Return a list of: ServiceQuote
Skill Return a list of: Skill
SkillSet Return a list of: SkillSet
Vendor Return a list of: Vendor
VendorAddress Return a list of: VendorAddress
Warehouse Return a list of: Warehouse

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Build 22.0.8462