ODBC Driver for Marketo

Build 22.0.8462


Query Opportunity Person Roles for a Marketo organization.

Table Specific Information


Marketo allows the following columns to be used in the WHERE clause of a SELECT query: Id, CreatedAt, UpdatedAt, OpportunityId, and Role. The CreatedAt and UpdatedAt filters can be specified twice to create a date range.

SELECT * FROM OpportunityPersonRoles WHERE Role='Business User'


Name Type Description
Id [KEY] Integer The unique, Marketo-assigned identifier of the opportunity person role.
OpportunityId Integer The Id of the opportunity associated with the person specified via PersonId.
PersonId String The Id of the person associated with the opportunity specified via OpportunityId.
Role String The role of the contact person in regards to the opportunity.
IsPrimary Boolean Determines whether the person, specified via PersonId, is the primary contact for this opportunity.
ExternalCreatedDate Datetime The local created data of the OpportunityPersonRole association.


Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
CreatedAt Datetime Used when performing a GET. Filters opportunities by the date they were created.
UpdatedAt Datetime Used when performing a GET. Filters opportunities by the date they were updated.

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Build 22.0.8462