ODBC Driver for Marketo

Build 22.0.8462


Query Visit Webpage Activities for a Marketo organization.

Table Specific Information


Marketo allows one (and only one) of the following columns to be used in the WHERE clause of a SELECT query: LeadId, Email, StaticListId, StaticListName, OldestCreatedAt, or ActivityCreatedAt. The LeadId and Email columns allow multiple values to be specified by the OR logical operator. All columns must be specified using the '=' operator; otherwise, an exception will be thrown.

SELECT * FROM Activities_VisitWebpage WHERE Email='test@server.com' OR Email='testlead@server.com'


Name Type Description
ActivityId [KEY] Integer The unique Id of the activity.
LeadId Integer The unique Id of the lead associated with the activity.
Campaign String The campaign the activity is associated with.
WebpageId String The Id of the Web page that was visited.
WebpageURL String The URL of the Web page that was visited.
LinkId String The Id of the link that was clicked.
QueryParameters String The query parameters contained within the URL.
ClientIPAddress String The IP address of the client that clicked the link.
MessageId String The Id of the message where the link was clicked.
UserAgent String The Web browser user agent information obtained when the Web page was visited.
ReferrerURL String The URL of the referrer used to identify where the link click originated from.
CreatedAt String The date and time the Web page activity was created.
ActivityDateTime Datetime The date and time the activity was performed.
AssetName String The marketing asset name associated with the activity.
Email String Used when performing a GET. Filters activities using the email address of the lead associated with the activity.


Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
OldestCreatedAt Datetime Used when performing a GET. Returns all activities updated since the specified time.
ActivityCreatedAt Datetime Used when performing a GET. Returns all activities updated up until the specified time.
StaticListId Integer Used when performing a GET. The Id of the static list to retrieve.
StaticListName String Used when performing a GET. The name of the static list to retrieve.

Copyright (c) 2023 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 22.0.8462