ODBC Driver for Marketo

Build 22.0.8462


Create, update, delete, and query Tokens for a Marketo organization.

Table Specific Information


Note: All filterable columns must be specified using the '=' operator.

Retrieve Tokens under a specific ParentResourceType.

SELECT * FROM Tokens WHERE ParentResourceId = 1121 AND ParentResourceType = 'program'


To create a new query Tokens, specify ParentResourceId, ParentResourceType, Name, Type and Value fields.

INSERT INTO Tokens (ParentResourceId, ParentResourceType, Name, Type, Value) VALUES (1111,'program','testname','text','testvalue')


To Update a Token you must specify the ParentResourceId, ParentResourceType, Name, Type and Value fields.

UPDATE Tokens SET value = 'testvalue', Name = 'testname', Type = 'text' WHERE ParentResourceId = 1 AND ParentResourceType = 'folder'


To Delete a Token you must specify the ParentResourceId, ParentResourceType, Name and Type fields.

DELETE FROM Tokens WHERE ParentResourceId = 1 AND ParentResourceType = 'program' AND Name = 'testname' AND Type = 'text'


Name Type ReadOnly Filterable Description
ParentResourceId Integer True True

The Id of the Folder or Program.

ParentResourceType String True True

The type of the token. It could be either Folder or Program.

The allowed values are folder, program.

The default value is folder.

Name String False

The name of the Token.

Type String False

The data type of the Token. The supported values are date, number, rich text, score, sfdc campaign and text

The allowed values are date, number, rich text, score, sfdc campaign, text.

Value String False

The value of the Token.

ComputedURL String False

The Computed URL of the Token.

Copyright (c) 2023 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 22.0.8462