ODBC Driver for Marketo

Build 22.0.8462


Query Custom Activities for a Marketo organization.

Table Specific Information

Each custom activity contained within your Marketo organization will be returned as it's own table. Each table name will be prefixed with 'Activity_' followed by the name of your custom activity.


Custom activities can be retrieved by performing a SELECT query on the custom activity table.

SELECT * FROM Activity_MyCustomActivity


Custom activities can be added by performing an INSERT. To create a new custom activity record, specify the information about the custom activity to be entered into the database.

The following properties are required when creating a custom activity record: ActivityDate, LeadId, and PrimaryAttributeValue (note this column name changes based on the name you designated for the primary field of the activity).

The following example demonstrates how to insert a new custom activity called MyCustomActivity:

INSERT INTO Activity_MyCustomActivity (ActivityDate, PrimaryFieldValue, LeadId, MyInt, Email) VALUES ('11/08/2016', '123', '1', 12345, 'insert@test.com')


UPDATEs are not supported on custom activities.


DELETEs are not supported on custom activities.


Name Type ReadOnly Filterable Description
ActivityId [KEY] Integer True

The unique Id of the activity.

LeadId Integer True True

The unique Id of the lead associated with the activity.

ActivityDate Datetime True True

The date and time the lead was added to the list. Can be used as a filter to specify the starting date and time to retrieve all activities on or after the specified date.

PrimaryAttribute String True True

The primary field Id

PrimaryAttributeValue String True

The primary field value.


Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
ListId Integer

A List Id used to retrieve actvities for all leads contained within the specified list.

Copyright (c) 2023 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 22.0.8462