ODBC Driver for HubSpot

Build 22.0.8462


Retrieve task events for Calendar.

Table Specific Information

Retrieve task events for Calendar. A shortcut of the standard events call for finer-grained control.


You can filter through results with StartDate, EndDate, EmailCampaignId, IncludeNoCampaigns. In case StartDate is not specified its default value will be 01/01/2010. In case EndDate is not specified its default value will be the actual date. For example:

The following query will return results in the range of the specified dates satisfying other conditions as well:

SELECT * FROM Tasks WHERE StartDate = '2014-01-01 12:00:00' AND EndDate = '2019-01-01 12:00:00' AND IncludeNoCampaigns = 'true'
SELECT * FROM Tasks WHERE EmailCampaignId IN ('12345678', '2345689') AND StartDate = '2014-01-01 12:00:00Z' AND EndDate = '2019-01-01 12:00:00'


Name Type References Description
Id [KEY] String The unique id of the task.
Name String Name of Task.
Description String Description of Task.
EventType String Type of calendar event; for tasks this is always PUBLISHING_TASK.
EventDate Datetime When the task is set to be due.
Category String Type of task; one of BLOG_POST, EMAIL, LANDING_PAGE, CUSTOM.
CategoryId Integer Numeric value corresponding to the type of task; one of 3 (BLOG_POST), 2 (EMAIL), 1 (LANDING_PAGE), 0 (CUSTOM).
ContentId Long Id value of the COS content object associated with the task, null if nothing associated.
ContentGroupId Long The ID of the content group (aka blog) that the associated Blog Post belongs to, if any. Otherwise null. Only populated for single task GETs and for Blog Post Tasks..
PortalId Long The hub id.
State String Value of TODO or DONE.
EmailCampaignId String


Value of campaign GUID associated with Task.
Url String URL of the task.
OwnerId Long


HubSpot id of the user that the task is assigned to.
CreatedBy Long


HubSpot id of the user that the task was created by.
PreviewKey String The preview key.
SocialUsername String The username.
SocialDisplayName String The display name.
AvatarUrl String User avatar url.
TopicIds String The list of ids of topics associated with the associated Blog Post, if any. Otherwise null. Only populated for single task GETs and for Blog Post Tasks..
IsRecurring Boolean Boolean indicating whether is the task recurring.


Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source. For more information, see the WHERE clause section.

Name Type Description
IncludeNoCampaigns Boolean The beginning value of the query range.
StartDate Datetime The beginning value of the query range.
EndDate Datetime Include tasks without a campaign specified (true, false). Defaults to false.

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Build 22.0.8462