JDBC Driver for SugarCRM

Build 22.0.8462


Create, update, delete, and query the CampaignLog module in SugarCRM.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

The unique identifier of the record.

Campaign_Id String False

The identifier of the campaign associated with the campaign log.

Target_Tracker_Key String False

The identifier of the tracker URL.

Target_Id String False

The identifier of the target record.

Target_Type String False

The target record type (e.g., Contact or Lead).

Activity_Type String False

The activity that occurred (e.g., Viewed Message, Bounced, or Opted out).

Activity_Date Datetime False

The date the activity occurred.

Related_Id String False

The Id of the related record.

Related_Type String False

The type of the related record.

Archived Bool False

Indicates if the item has been archived.

Hits Int False

Number of times the item has been invoked (e.g., multiple click throughs).

List_Id String False

The target list from which the item originated.

Deleted Bool False

Record deletion indicator.

Recipient_Name String False

The name of the recipient.

Recipient_Email String False

The email of the recipient.

Marketing_Name String False

The marketing name.

Campaign_Name1 String False

The name of the campaign associated with the campaign log.

Campaign_Name String False

Another campaign associated with the campaign log.

Campaign_Objective String False

The campaign objective.

Campaign_Content String False

The campaign content.

Related_Name String False

The related name for the campaign.

Date_Modified Datetime False

The date the campaign log was last modified.

More_Information String False

More information about the campaign log.

Marketing_Id String False

The Id of the marketing email this entry is associated with.

Copyright (c) 2023 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 22.0.8462