TDV Adapter for Magento

Build 22.0.8462


Inventory is an auto generated table


You must specify the product SKU to query this table. The adapter will use the Magento API to filter the results by ProductSku_p while the rest of the filter is executed client side within the adapter.

For example, the following query is the only one supported server side:

SELECT * FROM Inventory WHERE ProductSKU = 'sjl-8082'


To update a product inventory, you must set the ItemId of an existing item along with the ProductSKU.

UPDATE [Inventory] SET Qty = '87' WHERE ProductSKU = 'sjl-8082' AND ItemId = '1'


Name Type ReadOnly Description
SearchCriteria String False

This is an auto-generated column

TotalCount Int False

Total count.

Backorders Int False

Backorders status

EnableQtyIncrements Bool False

Whether Quantity Increments is enabled

ExtensionAttributes String False

This is an auto-generated column

IsDecimalDivided Bool False

This is an auto-generated column

IsInStock Bool False

Stock Availability

IsQtyDecimal Bool False

This is an auto-generated column

ItemId Int False

This is an auto-generated column

LowStockDate String False

This is an auto-generated column

ManageStock Bool False

Can Manage Stock

MaxSaleQty String False

Maximum Qty Allowed in Shopping Cart data wrapper

MinQty String False

Minimal quantity available for item status in stock

MinSaleQty String False

Minimum Qty Allowed in Shopping Cart or NULL when there is no limitation

NotifyStockQty String False

Notify for Quantity Below data wrapper

ProductId Int False

This is an auto-generated column

Qty String False

This is an auto-generated column

QtyIncrements String False

Quantity Increments data wrapper

ShowDefaultNotificationMessage Bool False

This is an auto-generated column

StockId Int False

Stock identifier

StockStatusChangedAuto Int False

This is an auto-generated column

UseConfigBackorders Bool False

This is an auto-generated column

UseConfigEnableQtyInc Bool False

This is an auto-generated column

UseConfigManageStock Bool False

This is an auto-generated column

UseConfigMaxSaleQty Bool False

This is an auto-generated column

UseConfigMinQty Bool False

This is an auto-generated column

UseConfigMinSaleQty Int False

This is an auto-generated column

UseConfigNotifyStockQty Bool False

This is an auto-generated column

UseConfigQtyIncrements Bool False

This is an auto-generated column

StockItem String False

This is an auto-generated column

StockStatus Int False

This is an auto-generated column


Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
ItemId_p String

This is an auto-generated column

ProductSku_p String

This is an auto-generated column

Copyright (c) 2023 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 22.0.8462