JDBC Driver for SendGrid

Build 22.0.8462


Query Teammates in SendGrid.

View-Specific Information


The driver will use the SendGrid API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following column and operator. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the driver.
  • Username supports the '=,IN' comparisons.

For example, the following queries are processed server side:


SELECT * FROM Teammates WHERE Username = 'test'

SELECT * FROM Teammates WHERE Username IN ('test','test2')


The following columns are required in an insert: Email and Scopes. Scopes column accepts a comma separated list of values. The accepted values are: user.account.read,user.credits.read,user.email.create,user.email.read,user.email.update,user.email.delete,user.profile.create,user.profile.read,user.profile.update,user.profile.delete.

The IsAdmin is optional and by default is accepted as false from the API.

INSERT INTO Teammates (Email, Scopes) VALUES ('test@cdata.com', 'user.profile.read,user.profile.update')

INSERT INTO Teammates (Email, Scopes, IsAdmin) VALUES ('test@cdata.com', 'user.profile.read,user.profile.update', 'true')


The following columns are required in an update: Username and Scopes. Scopes column accepts a comma separated list of values. The accepted values are: user.account.read,user.credits.read,user.email.create,user.email.read,user.email.update,user.email.delete,user.profile.create,user.profile.read,user.profile.update,user.profile.delete.

UPDATE Teammates SET Scopes = 'user.profile.read' WHERE Username = 'testuser'


Only the username column is required to delete a record from Teammates table. For example:

DELETE FROM Teammates WHERE Username='testuser'


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Username [KEY] String False

The username of the teammate.

Email String False

Email of the teammate.

FirstName String False

First name of the teammate.

LastName String False

Last name of the teammate.

UserType String False

User type of the teammate.

IsAdmin Boolean False

Indicator if the teammate is admin.

Phone String False

Phone of the teammate.

Website String False

Website of the teammate.

Company String False

Company of the teammate.

Address String False

Address of the teammate.

Address2 String False

Address 2 of the teammate.

City String False

City of the teammate.

State String False

State of the teammate.

Country String False

Country of the teammate.

Zip String False

Zip of the teammate.

Scopes String False

Scope of the permissions for the new teammate. Multiple values are allowed and should be split by a comma symbol. Possible values are: user.account.read,user.credits.read,user.email.create,user.email.read,user.email.update,user.email.delete,user.profile.create,user.profile.read,user.profile.update,user.profile.delete

Copyright (c) 2023 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 22.0.8462